Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Last night my husband was listening to Terry Gross on the NPR show Fresh Air. He said an evangelical leader was interviewed and when asked if he thought Hurricane Katrina was punishment sent by God, he said YES. He said God sent Katrina because of the gays in New Orleans (allegedly, because a gay parade was to be held the week after).

If there is one thing I have a hard time with - it is intolerance. Do you think God is intolerant of His own creation? Do you think He stamps his foot in anger to cause a flood to wipe out a city. Do you think He issues early punishment?


Wasn't it in Genesis (as Revengelicals follow the Old Testament pretty closely) that Moses was speaking with God over the fate of the "wicked" city Sodom and that if a whole 10 righteous people existed in the city that God would spare it? Apparently they think that there were less than that in all of New Orleans.

Since when does God go around selectively smiting his own children. And of all the so-called evils in the world, why, of all things, target gays? What about war and genocide? Where are God's Hurricanes when you need 'em, eh?

If a person is born gay, how can they be faulted for being "sinful"? I think like myself (who does not feel the want for bearing children) that gays as well as those born sterile, are God's GENIUS way of controlling the earth's population. So, Revengelicals, if you have a beef with gays, consult God and tell him He is wrong. Send Him back to the drawing board with specific instructions on using the #2 Heterosexual pencil only in his designs. The Old Testament is full of inconsistencies and it is often forgot that Jesus came with a NEW covenant and a NEW commandment: to love thy neighbor as thyself. This command trumps any fuzzy Old Testament declaration about who is allowed to sleep with who or what.

Newsflash, Revengelicals: Gays have been around since the beginning of time. This is not a new concept. If you know anything about history, do you recall ancient Rome and Greece? What about all those Catholic priests who are afraid of being outed? What about Revengelical pastors who wave their bibles and spew tales of hellfire and brimstone by day and troll for gay male prostitutes by night? If you want to play that way, know that modern-day "Sodoms" are not always cities.

A movie that I think sums up the brainwashing, hysteria, ridiculous dogma and misdirected intentions of the Revengelical Business that is one of the scarier sects of Christianity is called Jesus Camp. I recommend anyone see it who wants a closer look at those who fail to see the log in their eyes.

Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are locking the kingdom of the heavens in front of men. For you are not entering, neither are you letting those entering to enter.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are cleansing the outside of the cup and the plate, yet inside they are brimming with rapacity and incontinence.

Concordant Literal New Testament
Matthew 23:13 & 23:25


Anonymous said...

Did you ever see the movie, "The Priest"? It's been over 10 years since I've seen it, so I don't remember it in technicolor anymore... but it brings to mind many of the issues you are touching on throughout your posts. It may be worth putting it on your queue.


SM said...

Thanks, Mev - I have added it to my Netflix queue!