Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Who Do We Think We Are?

I would like to quote Phillip Gulley & James Mulholland from their book If Grace Is True, which is a great testament for universal reconciliation and God's grace. I highly recommend it.

The problem isn't that God is lost and we have to find him. It's just the opposite. We are lost and God has sought us. Jesus said, "The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost" (Luke 19:10)

I once gloried in the statement "I accepted Christ." Now I celebrate the even better news, "God accepted us." Jesus made it clear to the disciples who did the choosing: "You did not choose me, but I chose you" (John 15:16)

My (previous) mistake, as well as the error of most traditional theology, was to believe we could reject God's love and determine God's attitude toward us.

This collective statement bears facts that no one can be "the hand that moves the hand of God." A child who throws a tantrum and screams that they hate their parent will likely and ideally be responded to with "Well, I still love you" from the parent. Because God the Father provides love that is utterly superior to the love of a human parent/child relationship, how can we think for one minute that any punishment God delves out is (me laughing) eternal. Not to mention this word is missing from original scriptures, a parent would never send their child to their room for forever. Reason: no punishment warrants it. It is the same with God, but on a lifetime scale: no sin is greater than God's love. Lots of Christians like to play the hellfire and damnation cards, but they miss the bigger picture and WHOLE REASON of the Gospel of Christ: Love, love, love! Anyone can reject God and His Love, but no one is powerful enough to stop God from loving them back. Typical Christians think they contain the power to save or damn themselves. Nope. Humans are powerless to do anything but be the clay in the hands of the Creator. Such arrogance on the part of people. God's will is the only true power there is. To think that God would like to save everyone but cannot because people choose to damn themselves takes power away from God. It limits God's ABILITY to save everyone. Why do Christians put measurements on God's capacity to love? Maybe because people have limits to who and how much they love, falsely assuming God loves as they do.

The judgment we each may individually require according to our sins will come as a soul carwash we pass through to end up clean at our destination of being reconciled to God. His love is like the ocean - deep, wide, enveloping and refreshing.

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